14 Jun 2014

How Peace found Me

It is a saturday morning and my husband is travelling and my son ran away to play and I decided to just sit in my garden and do nothing. I took a book but I did not read it. I just sat in and with the garden. At some point a sense of peace engulfed me and after a while I sensed that I was peace myself.

My Garden - my abode of peace :-)

I am not feeling lonely because
I am alive in this moment
I am fully present to what is here
And what is now around

I am not feeling bored because
A vibrant dance is on
The dance of creation, dance of life
The dance of nature around

I am not feeling afraid because
I am being carried by creation itself
Held and supported by the earth
And hugged by the air around

I am feeling blissful peace because
There is nothing else to feel
Without loneliness, without the fear
I myself am peace

Add as I am writing this the doggies came to share the peace....:-)..

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